Complete denture on implants - How the process goes

Complete denture on implants – How the process goes

Complete denture fixed on immediate loading implants

Do you have many missing teeth, or do your existing teeth don’t function as supposed to be anymore? Don’t worry; there is a perfect solution that is nothing but a complete denture on implants. If you haven’t heard of this possibility, we can tell you that one-phase, also known as immediate loading implants, is a single-piece, biocompatible artificial tooth root. It can perfectly replace a natural tooth root when implanted in the jawbone. These implants can replace a single tooth, bridge, or complete dentures. We specialize primarily in one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia.

Some reasons why dentures with one-phase implants are the best choice
Let us give just one concrete example that anyone can look up to on the internet. Let’s begin by saying that one-phase implant-based dentures may cost less than conventional two-phase implants. The price decreases even more because we offer a package price that is always lower than the regular prices. While the DENTURE #2 package cost is 2,195,000 HUF at the time we are writing the article, the price of the same service from another dentist in Budapest is 2,950,000 HUF. The 755,000 HUF difference is quite a big reason why you should choose our services, shouldn’t you?!

Another reason to choose dentures with a one-phase implant is that complete oral rehabilitation is ready quickly in just 5 working days! That is made possible by another, also definitely positive, feature of the one-phase implant. And this is because one-phase implants are loadable immediately after implantation! Just think that in the case of traditional, two-phase implants, there are 4-6 months of so-called ossification and healing time after implantation.

In the case of the complete denture on implants, the whole procedure, as the name implies, takes place in a single phase! After the implantation, there are no more surgical procedures! However, in the case of two-phase implants, after the so-called ossification period, the healed gums over the previously implanted implants must be re-exposed to gain access to the implants for further treatment steps.

How are dentures with one-phase implants done?
The first and most important condition is for patients to find us, as this is the only way to get treatment. That can be ready based on the recommendations of previous, satisfied patients, and this is how about 35% of those who need a new denture come to us. Most of our new patients find us through the internet or our ads. Since treatment is only possible by prior appointment, registration is required, which can be done on our website’s CONTACT or FREE QUOTE pages or by calling +36 30 508 9838.

After registration, we will call you to discuss an appointment for a free Personal Consultation. The oral surgeon thoroughly examines the oral cavity and the teeth during the consultation, considering the panoramic X-ray taken on-site. At the end of the talk, we will let you know what solution is the best for you and what the costs would be. The patient can decide whether or not wants the treatment after the consultation or later. The dentist will prepare a so-called treatment plan too. An online quote is impossible without a recent panoramic X-ray uploaded to our website!

The probable course of the complete denture on implants
Implant specialist oral surgeon
Skilled dental assistant
Dental technician (if needed)

Oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant occurs in two steps. In the first part, the implantation of immediate loading implants and the preparation of the long-term temporary denture take place, and in the second part, the preparation of the permanent denture(s).
First time
– Free, personal consultation with the implantologist performing the implantation.
– CT and panoramic x-rays.
– Detailed examination of the oral cavity, particularly concerning the condition of the bones and gums.
– Consultation with the anesthetist before general anesthesia.
– General anesthesia.
– Removal of teeth unsuitable for prosthetic treatment.
– Preparation of the required number of one-phase implants for implantation.
– Implantation of the required number of one-phase implants.
– Sampling for a long-term temporary denture(s).
– Preparation of long-term temporary denture(s).
– Fixation of the long-term temporary denture(s) on the implants. The dentures are fixed and not removable by the patient.
– The necessary control tests

It is necessary to wait approximately six months between the first and the second visit, but we recommend to have made the permanent denture(s) within a year.

Second occasion
– Free personal consultation with the implantologist who performed the implant placement.
– Panoramic X-ray recording.
– Thorough examination of the oral cavity, particularly regarding the condition of the implants.
– Sampling for the permanent denture.
– Preparation of permanent porcelain denture(s). The permanent denture is fixed and not removable by the patient, similar to the long-term temporary denture.
– The necessary control tests.

Immediate loading implant-based oral rehabilitation services
Includes general anesthesia, the removal of existing but untreatable teeth, the needed number of implants (8-12), implantation, and long-term, temporary denture(s) fixed on the implants. Dentures are not removable by the patient.

Includes the removal of existing but untreatable teeth, the needed number of implants (16-18), implantation, and long-term, temporary denture fixed on the implants. Dentures are not removable by the patient.

We intended to help those interested in complete denture on implants treatment in our writing. We told you how to contact us, the key benefits of one-phase implants, and outlined its main features. Hopefully, we have provided enough info for the person concerned to make the right decision. However, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that you can find more helpful information on this topic in our ARTICLES section.

Our Articles section contains several writings on dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2021

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