Dental treatments - What are the most common treatments

Dental treatments – What are the most common treatments (Part 2)

What are the three most common dental treatments?

In the first part of our article, Types of dental treatments, we say that dental treatments take place in three main areas: aesthetic dentistry, conservative dentistry, and dental prosthesis. The first part was about aesthetic and conservative dentistry, and this second part will be about dentures, the second most common dental treatments, and their types. Dentures can be conventional or implant-based. If you first found this Part 2, the 1. Part is available on this page.


Crown, bridge, circular bridge (complete dentures)
The missing tooth can be a single, i.e., a crown, multiple, i.e., a bridge, or a circular bridge; in other words, a complete denture. An essential feature of a traditional denture is that healthy teeth, a vacuum prosthesis, or an adhesive hold the prosthesis. The latter two are also called oral rehabilitation and, in each case, mean complete lower or upper or lower and upper dentures.

Crown may be necessary in the following cases.
– There is already a filling in the tooth, and a new filling is only possible with a crown.
– Loss of tooth material due to extensive caries or substantial mechanical impact.
– Different aesthetic reasons.
The dental crown can be attached to a healthy tooth; this is the traditional solution and can be a dental implant-based denture. You can read more in a later chapter.

A dental bridge is one of the traditional dental treatments, which is a recommended solution when one or more teeth need to replace and the adjacent teeth needed to secure the bridge are healthy. The disadvantage of this solution over dental implants is that the teeth used for fixation have to quasi-sacrifice. The intact tooth must be sanded, so the crowns securing the bridge are the same size as the original teeth. The definite advantage of a conventional bridge over an implant-based bridge is that it costs significantly less.

A circular bridge, also known as a full denture, is recommended for complete tooth loss or when there are still teeth in the oral cavity, but they are unsuitable for prosthetic care. The vast majority of such dentures are removable prostheses with a full palate. The advantage is that the vacuum created between the artificial palate and the original palate helps hold the prosthesis. However, because it is challenging to get used to and quite inconvenient, dentures without synthetic plates are also made, but they must always be glued by the patient, even several times a day.


An implant-based dental treatment eliminates all the disadvantages associated with traditional dentures. At the same time, there is a significant “disadvantage,” which is the higher costs compared to conventional dentures. In this case, the same dentures are possible with the traditional solution, i.e., a crown, a bridge, and a circular bridge, also known as a complete denture.

Implant implant-based dental treatments are the most advanced dental solutions today, most similar to the original teeth in terms of function and appearance. The denture’s stability, biting, and chewing force made this way is the same as that of the original healthy teeth. When used, it is unnecessary to “sacrifice” healthy teeth, as the dentures are securely fixed by a dental implant implanted in the tooth bone.

There are two standard dental implants and the associated implantation method in Hungary. One is the traditional two-phase implant family, and the other is the one-phase immediate loading implant family. There is more than one type of implant within both of these to meet individual needs.

Conventional two-phase implant
This dental implant has existed for many decades, is safe, and is used with good results. It is characterized by the fact that it consists of several pieces, and they implant in two phases. It is also characteristic of this implant that it requires the right amount and quality of bone. If this is unavailable and the bone deficiency is less severe, the one-phase implant may still be usable, or bone replacement will be necessary.

Implantation in two phases means that 4-6 months after the implantation, after the implant has ossified, during dental treatments, the healing screw is removed, and the so-called abutment, to which the crown, bridge, or circular bridge, is then attached.

Immediate loading, one-phase implants
Perhaps the essential feature of an immediate loading implant is that it’s loadable immediately. The long-term temporary denture attached right after implantation is a full-fledged denture that provides perfect biting and chewing force.

An essential advantage of this implant family is that they implant them in a single phase, hence the name one-phase implant. It is also suitable for a crown, bridge, or circular bridge dentures like a two-phase implant. The treatment ends once the implantation is complete and the long-term temporary denture is completed, except for the necessary checks.

When discussing dental treatments, it is essential to know that dental implantation also includes the price of a long-term temporary denture(s). Still, the final denture(s) price due after 6-8 months is not included. Here, you can read more about why temporary dentures are necessary after dental implants here.

This article lists the most common dental treatments divided into three groups: Aesthetic Dentistry, Conservative Dentistry, and Prosthesis. We briefly summarized which treatment contained what and for what purpose. We have described the differences between conventional and implant-based dentures for dental prosthesis treatment. If you found this second part for the first time, you can read the first part on this page.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
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[…] The first part of our article revealed that dental treatment occurs in three main areas: aesthetic dentistry, preventative dentistry, and dental prosthesis. This first part was about the first two, and the next second was about dentures, the second most common dental treatment. They make dentures in two ways: conventional or implant placement. If you are interested in writing, Part 2 is available on this page. […]

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