Immediate loading Implant-based dentures

Immediate loading Implant-based dentures

Essential advantages of immediate loading implant-based dentures

One often wakes up to the value of something when one has lost that thing. It also applies to our teeth. As long as we are healthy, we take it for granted that we have it and often do not take care of it properly. Neglected oral hygiene and untreated teeth will sooner or later lead to dental disease. If we don’t see a dentist at this stage, our negligence can result in tooth loss. The missing tooth needs to replace for many reasons, and there are several ways to do it. One is a traditional bridge or prosthetics; the other is the immediate loading implant-based denture. This writing will be mainly about the latter.

Since then, both implants and implantation methods have improved. The dental implant is the most significant dental discovery of the last 50 years and is still the best solution to replace a missing tooth or denture. The implant itself is a screw made of high-purity titanium alloy that can perfectly replace a natural tooth root when implanted in the tooth bone.

Today, two implant families and implantation methods are prevalent. One is the conventional two-phase implant, and the other is the immediate loading one-phase implant. About the main differences, you can read more in this article. The writing topic is dental implants, mainly the immediate loading and implant-based dentures.

In recent years, the one-phase implant and implantation methods have become more widely used. It has some advantages that make it more beneficial than other dental implants. The first of the two most important benefits is that it consists of a single piece that can be implanted in a single phase, hence the name one-phase implant. Another significant advantage is that it is loadable immediately after implantation. Hence the name of the implant family is another commonly used immediate loading implant.

These implants are now more successful than two-phase ones. There was no statistical difference between the one-phase and the two-phase implantation procedure in terms of the result. If there is a difference, it is a significantly shorter time and less inconvenient for the patient in favor of the one-phase implant.

A conventional two-phase implant requires 4-6 months of ossification and healing. However, the implantation occurs in a single visit during the one-phase implantation procedure, and no further work is needed. This implant does not require additional surgery and thus provides an immediate solution for patients.

In the case of one-phase implant-based dentures, the implant placement occurs during a single treatment under general anesthesia. In another 4-5 working days, the long-term temporary dentures attached to the implants will be ready. After the necessary preparations, implant placement takes 4-5 hours during oral rehabilitation treatment. Implantation under general anesthesia is 100% painless and discomfort free! The patient’s last memory that starts counting, and when he regains consciousness, is beyond everything. The price of the general anesthesia is included in the implantation package price!

Unfortunately, this innovative method and perfectly functional dentures are unavailable to everyone due to the relatively high cost. We should note that a discounted implantation package price is available for oral rehabilitation. Anyone who can afford it and need it doesn’t hesitate to ask for an appointment for a free personal consultation.

High-quality Swiss immediate loading implant-based dentures are a remarkable element of our quality-oriented work. Knowledgeable implantologists with domestic and international experience are committed to quality work, for which they offer a double guarantee. They take responsibility not only for the implants but also for their work, which means dental implantation.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
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