Oral Diseases of Menopause - Prevention and Treatment

Oral diseases of menopause – prevention and treatment

The importance of preventing oral diseases during menopause

It is well-known that women have to endure a lot of discomforts during menopause, but sometimes men too. Symptoms can be dry mouth, gum tenderness and bleeding, sensitive tooth and jaw, or loss of taste. Our article reviews the specific oral diseases of menopause that can cause this illness. We’ll also tell you how to prevent and make your symptoms more bearable once you have them.

When we started working on the topic, we did not even think about how many problems women were most likely to face during this period. It is a sad finding, but it is a fact that menopause is a condition that negatively affects various functions of the body. Of the adverse effects, we now focus on oral diseases of menopause.

Decreased estrogen levels due to menopause can cause malfunctioning of the body’s mucosal system. That means that the fluid supply to the cells gets low, leading to a kind of dryness in the mouth, nose, eyes, and, of course, the vagina.

One of the most common oral diseases of menopause is dry mouth. Insufficient saliva is produced in the mouth that may cause dryness, making it harder for menopausal mouth disease to chew or swallow food. The best and easiest way is to chew longer, significantly drier foods to produce enough saliva for easier swallowing.

If our mouths are open for a much more extended period, thus dry out faster. Therefore, when talking, you may feel a dry mouth. You may feel a dry mouth even when you speak for longer. If this is the case, drink a few sips of water or, if possible, do not speak for a long time.

However, dry mouth can also cause other possible oral diseases, so visiting your dentist for such a complaint is essential. The dentist can determine whether the cause of dry mouth is dental or related to menopause. Dry mouth can be accompanied by itching of the eyes, in which case we are most likely you have Sjögren syndrome. However, this phenomenon may also be due to rheumatic disease, so it is crucial to seek medical attention.

What can I do?
As suggested earlier, it is advisable to consult a specialist for this type of oral disease of menopause, or at least seek advice. Most pharmacies have a prescription for dry mouth that should use according to the recommended instructions.

The harmful effects of the specific oral diseases of menopause also endanger our teeth. Many women find that their teeth, even in the case of healthy teeth, become more sensitive, painful when brushing, and sometimes bleed. If the necessary treatment is not occurring, the gums begin to wither and retract from the tooth, making the teeth more vulnerable to attack by harmful bacteria.

What can I do?
Dental care products made from natural ingredients are effective in maintaining dental health. First, consciously choose toothpaste and other oral care products. Take the time to read the product descriptions to determine if they contain these harmful ingredients. If possible, buy a product that is free of chemical additives.

Another undesirable thing about oral diseases of menopause is the so-called mouth-burn, which can be very unpleasant. Mouth burn is not a continuous phenomenon, it usually comes and goes, and its duration varies. It feels like you taste hot peppers, but maybe not as intense.

When we experience mouth-burn, we first need to make sure that we have enough vitamins and other necessary mineral salts and trace elements in our body. There are several reasons for this, including that your body is low in vitamins and minerals. It is hazardous during menopause when the body is excessively deficient in vitamins and minerals. 

It is good to know that stress also may cause mouth-burns. If things get worse, if a tragic event occurs or other harmful events result in an increased state of nervous tension, this type of mouth disease may also occur. The solution is everyone knows: stressful conditions must be avoided at all costs, as they can also cause other, more severe illnesses.

The anemia can also cause mouth burns. A common accompanying phenomenon of menopause is the iron deficiency of the blood when the blood cells in the red cannot provide enough oxygen to the body due to falling red blood cells. Before turning to medicine, let’s try to eat healthier and eat iron-rich foods. Iron-rich foods: liver, seeds, legumes, egg yolks, sweet potatoes, etc.

Generally speaking, we should avoid consuming so-called empty-calorie & nutritious foods such as sugar or certain cereal-based foods. If so, the so-called. Avoid highly processed foods! The more phases the raw material undergoes during processing, the fewer nutrients and the more dangerous added elements they contain.

As we have seen, it is possible to identify the specific oral diseases of menopause and avoid them, reduce the symptoms, and treat them. At the same time, it cannot emphasize enough that the first and the most important thing we can do for our health is a good, nutrient-rich diet. A nutrient-rich diet with carefully selected vitamin-rich nutritional supplements can help a lot.

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