Oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant under general anesthesia

Oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant under general anesthesia

Oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant under general anesthesia, painlessly and discomfort-free

We have often written about how important healthy, well-kept teeth are since neglected; incomplete teeth are not primarily an aesthetic deficiency but a serious health risk. You must have treated your bad teeth if possible. If they are no longer suitable for prosthetic care, you must have them removed and replaced as soon as possible. Tooth replacement is possible in several ways. Since our specialty is oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant, that is why we discuss this topic in more detail. We will tell you precisely what the term means, how to contact us and the communication before the intervention, and finally, what the course of oral rehabilitation is.

For a start, we mention that we perform one-phase implant (also known as immediate loading implant) based oral rehabilitation almost exclusively under general anesthesia. The dental implantation package price includes the cost of general anesthesia!

What do we mean by the term oral rehabilitation?
Oral rehabilitation becomes necessary when no tooth is suitable for prosthetic care in the oral cavity. Mouth rehabilitation is possible on the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both, the latter being full oral rehabilitation. It often happens that there are still teeth, but for some reason, they are unsuitable for further dental treatment. Or the treatment is only a short, temporary solution. There are necessary conditions for saving a tooth, both from a health and financial point of view. Most importantly, a tooth should only be “saved” and treated if it represents a reliable solution that will last for an extended period.

Oral rehabilitation solutions
It is possible in the traditional way; this is more common, and the other possibility is a dental implant, in our case one-phase immediate loading implant. In the conventional method, the denture is fixed with a vacuum artificial floor and gluing. Users of such dentures face many challenges, such as lousy biting and chewing power, inadequate stability, and other discomforts during wear. You can read more about this here.

The other solution, both technically and in terms of the final result, is a set of teeth fixed on dental implants, including oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant. The end goal is the same in both cases: replacing the natural tooth root with a dental implant. At the same time, in the case of tooth replacement based on dental implants, there are differences between two-phase and one-phase implants and implant implantation. Both the implant and the implantation method are different. You can read more about this here.

As mentioned above, we are now talking about the one-phase, also known as immediate loading implantation, and the rehabilitation of the mouth with it, and we say the two-phase method only for comparison. It is important to emphasize that both implant types are perfectly suitable for replacing the natural tooth root, but the two-phase only if certain conditions are available.

Antecedents of oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant
Appointment request. The first step is to contact the chosen dentist. There are several ways to request an appointment for oral rehabilitation with a dental implant. The most practical is to request an appointment online. Many dentists, including us, also provide additional options for booking appointments, such as by phone and through various apps.

The most obvious is to request an appointment online, which is available 24 hours a day. Almost every website has a CONTACT page, where you must fill out a simple form and even upload an X-ray or other document related to the dental problem. It is usually also possible for the patient to leave a short message.

The next option is to contact us by phone. In larger clinics, a receptionist takes incoming calls, but there are many dental offices where the assistant does this. They may be currently undergoing treatment and, therefore, unable to receive calls. In this case, it is possible that the patient moves on and calls another dentist.

More demanding dental clinics are also available to patients via apps. The most used are Facebook, Viber, Messenger, and WhatsApp. These interfaces are more for making contact, but it is also possible to register and request an appointment by calling the interested patient back on the given phone number. This option is popular because it is accessible completely freely at any time.

When contacting us, we try to give a consultation within a week, and if it is acceptable to the patient, we will set the time. The consultation is free with us, but it is the patient’s responsibility to attend! As with any intervention, you have to prepare for oral rehabilitation treatment based on implant placement, both psychologically and in other aspects. Part of conscious preparation is personal consultation, the importance of which is not detracted from the fact that you have to pay for it in many places.

A precise and accurate diagnosis is possible primarily during a personal meeting. That can be a preliminary consultation but also happen during the first treatment. The consultation is an excellent opportunity for the patient to meet and get to know the oral surgeon who will perform the procedure directly. During the informal conversation, the patient can get answers to all of their questions. On the other hand, sympathy and trust in the doctor, which is essential for a successful intervention, can develop.

The personal consultation of oral rehabilitation with one-phase implant treatment continues with X-ray and CT imaging. Both recordings are necessary because, while the X-ray gives a two-dimensional image, the cbCT is a 3-dimensional imaging system developed specifically for dentistry, including implant placement, which allows you to create a scaled, three-dimensional digital image of the jawbone.

Successful implant placement is unthinkable without the use of imaging systems. The implantologist must be perfectly aware of the condition of the patient’s teeth and jawbone since, without this, he cannot determine the number of implants he needs to implant and the exact location of the implantation. Regardless of the type of implant, this is essential information for the oral surgeon.

Based on the recordings, a comprehensive and detailed oral examination follows. We can say that apart from missing teeth, implantation is only possible in the case of a healthy, inflammation-free oral cavity. Certain conditions must be met for oral rehabilitation to occur with a one-phase implant.

The consultation also includes getting to know the patient’s general state of health. Are you under any medical treatment, and if so, what exactly is it? Are you taking any medications? Are you allergic to them, and if so, what drugs are you sensitive to? Has he been sedated? How is his general well-being and so on? When all data is available, the implantologist diagnoses and explains to the patient the options in the given situation.

Then we prepare a price quote and a treatment plan, which are valid for three months. At this time, we also give information about general anesthesia, what will be performed by an anesthesiologist, and what preliminary tests are necessary for general anesthesia. That usually means lab and EKG tests.

Oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant
Consultation with the anesthesiologist, anesthesia
If the results of the preliminary tests (laboratory, EKG) are in order, the consultation with the anesthetist begins. During this, the anesthesiologist asks questions and provides information about anesthesia. If everything is OK, general anesthesia will occur, and the surgery will begin.

Removal of teeth unsuitable for prosthetic treatment
In most cases, the patient’s oral cavity contains teeth problematic for dental treatment. We have to remove them before implantation. Tooth extraction is usually smooth, but it may happen that, for example, a dead tooth only has its root in the tooth bone, which is more difficult to remove.

Implant placement
The most important part of the intervention is the implantation of immediate loading implants in both tooth and jawbones. The single-piece one-phase implants go through the gums into the tooth bone or, if necessary, into the jaw bone. Depending on the given situation, usually 8-10 one-phase implants are required to implant.

After implant placement, we retake an X-ray because the implantologist oral surgeon must ensure everything is in order with the inserted implants. He must confirm they are where indicated in the implant plan. Sutures removal is 5-7 days after that.

Long-term temporary denture
The first part of oral rehabilitation is complete with preparing and delivering long-term temporary denture(s). The patient must appear for a control examination the day after implantation, and further control examinations are possible as needed until the suture is removed. Suture removal takes place after 5-6 days, and then we take samples for the dental framework, which holds the dentures made by the dental technician.

Permanent denture(s)
The second part of oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant, preparing the permanent denture(s), usually occurs six months later. It can happen later, but we recommend it within a year. Its preparation and the whole procedure take about a week, consisting of three parts, which means three appearances. The implantation price does not include the permanent denture(s) cost.
– The first session begins with taking an X-ray, continues with removing the long-term temporary denture(s), and ends with taking an impression.
– The second time occurs the framework test. It is the structure on which the dental technician will fix the permanent denture(s).
– On the third occasion, we test the permanent porcelain denture(s) and bond it if everything is OK. The permanent denture(s) is fixed and not removable by the patient.

Once the oral rehabilitation with one-phase implant tooth replacement is complete, the patient receives detailed information about the necessary and timing of control examinations, correct dental care, and other helpful information.

Why is it necessary to perform oral rehabilitation with one-phase implant under anesthesia?

Almost all dental treatment is possible with local anesthesia, including implant placement. However, there are cases when the therapy must occur under general anesthesia, such as dental implant-based oral rehabilitation. Replacing one or several teeth with immediate loading implants almost always occurs under local anesthesia. In such cases, effective pain relief is possible even without general anesthesia since it is a relatively short time and a specific small area of the oral cavity.

The situation is entirely different when the intervention affects the entire oral cavity, such as in the case of mouth rehabilitation. General anesthesia becomes necessary for two main reasons.

1. The entire oral cavity is affected. In the case of oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant, the whole oral cavity is involved, including the upper and lower teeth and jawbones. That means such a large area that complete and adequate pain relief is almost impossible with local anesthesia. However, from the point of view of both the success of the dental implantation and the patient’s sense of comfort, complete pain relief is significant.

2. It is a long-term intervention. Another reason we must perform oral rehabilitation under anesthesia is that it is a relatively long-term operation. The long time for full mouth rehabilitation can be up to four hours or even longer. With local anesthesia for such a long time, effective pain relief is hardly possible, if at all. That is the second main reason we must perform oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant under general anesthesia. The implantation package price does not include the cost of general anesthesia.

Our article discusses essential features of oral rehabilitation with one-phase implant treatment for those who choose this tooth replacement method or are simply interested in the topic. We said replacing a completely missing tooth is possible in several ways, including one-phase implant-based dentures(s). The first part of oral rehabilitation is complete with preparing and delivering long-term temporary denture(s). The second part is about making the permanent denture(s).

In our
Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know in the comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
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