Száj rehabilitáció ár - fogpótlás egyfázisú implantátummal

Száj rehabilitáció ár – Fogpótlás egyfázisú implantátummal

Knowing the price and pricing of oral rehabilitation is important for those interested in the topic

We need to clarify certain concepts before talking about the subject of oral rehabilitation price in the title . First, for example, what exactly do we mean by oral rehabilitation? In general, the goal of tooth replacement can be a single tooth (crown), a few teeth (bridge) and, in case of complete missing teeth, a round bridge or a full set of teeth. When there is not a single tooth suitable for dental treatment in the oral cavity, i.e., all teeth need replacement, then we speak of oral rehabilitation. Such tooth replacement can also be done for aesthetic reasons. When a person’s natural teeth are not in order, are crooked, have grown on each other or are not aesthetically pleasing for other reasons, oral rehabilitation can still take place. This is especially common among public figures, actors, and famous people, almost exclusively for aesthetic reasons. In all cases, tooth replacement performed for this purpose is dental implant-based oral rehabilitation .

Oral rehabilitation is possible in two ways in dental practice. One and the most widespread is the traditional dental prosthesis, when the complete prosthesis rests on the gums or is fixed. The other option is implant implantation , dentures fixed on implants . In this case, the dentures are attached to the implanted dental implants. Implant -based dentures can be made with a traditional two-phase implant or a single-phase implant that can be loaded immediately .

The older one is the traditional two-phase implant, the new one the one-phase immediately loadable implant . Both implants serve the same purpose, replacing the natural tooth root. Nevertheless, there are significant differences between the two implant families . In order to correctly interpret the price of oral rehabilitation, we need additional knowledge.

One such concept is pricing. This can basically happen in two ways. One, the more common one, is the pricing per item, the other is the package price. In the first case, all materials required for tooth replacement and the fee for working with them are priced separately. At the same time, the package price is a carefully designed price that includes everything. When someone inquires about a cost-effective price for oral rehabilitation , in the case of the package price, he must remember only one number shown on the website, but in the case of item-by-item pricing, he must always request a quote. There can even be significant differences for the same treatment, so knowing the exact price is an important factor, although not the most important.

Hungary is an internationally recognized center for dental and implant implantation, so it is necessary to compare prices in an international context. Mainly for those who live abroad, primarily in Western Europe, and would like to find out whether treatment in Hungary would be financially worth it for them. For this, they need to know the exact prices in Hungary. Our article will show that it is worth it even with the travel and hotel costs.

Tooth replacement  with implants is not one of the cheap treatments, the main reason being the high purity, biocompatible titanium alloy dental implant and the high price of dental implant devices. Compared to this, for example, the labor fee content of the price of oral rehabilitation is not much higher than the cost of an average oral surgery procedure.

When using the implant implantation package price, the patient does not get lost between the many names and the associated prices. It is hardly possible to compare the price per item with the price of other dentists, but the price of the package is! For example, if someone needs a full set of lower teeth, they want to know how much they will have to pay for it. As mentioned above, the package price is the result of a well-thought-out, careful calculation of parts, equipment and labor. The price of the dental replacement created in this way can be significantly more favorable for the patient, as it is transparent and clear. We ourselves work with such a package price pricing method.

The price based on item-by-item pricing is usually higher than the package price. The package price can even significantly improve the price-value ratio of oral rehabilitation . Without mentioning the name of the institution, let’s give a domestic example: With us, the price of DENTAL REPLACEMENT #1 dental implant package for the lower jawbone is HUF 2,000,000 at the time of writing this article. The price of the same tooth replacement at another dentist in Budapest is HUF 1,985,000. The treatment and pricing are the same in both cases. At first glance, our price is HUF 15,000 higher, which has no significance for such an amount. All the more so because the cost of anesthesia is included in our package price! At the time of writing, the cost of anesthesia is HUF 170,000 per jawbone.

(The current oral rehabilitation price at all times can be viewed on this page .)

It is well known that many foreigners travel to Hungary for single-phase implant- based oral rehabilitation treatment . One of the reasons for this is that there are many highly qualified implantologist oral surgeons practicing in our country who do reliable, impeccable work. Another important reason is that, for example, the price of oral rehabilitation is significantly lower than in Western European countries or the USA.

Before someone sets off on a trip, it is worth making sure that it is really worth it financially for him to travel abroad, in this case to Hungary, for implant-based oral rehabilitation treatment. The first obvious task is to compare the total cost of admission. However, this can only be correct if we know exactly our own domestic prices and compare exactly the same treatment. Knowing all these, it is possible to choose the right dental clinic in Hungary for us.

The latter is easy to say, but not so easy to do. On the one hand, there are many high-quality dentistry in Hungary, and on the other hand, it is not easy to determine the total cost, in this case the price of oral rehabilitation . The specific price of the treatment can most often be known by requesting a quote. With some research, you can find the institution that we consider to be the best in terms of both the price of tooth replacement and the quality of the service. In our opinion, the quality of the service is always the most important aspect, and only then the cost of the implant !

We always ask those who contact us to carefully compare our prices with the prices of other institutions providing similar services. We do this because we are sure that we offer excellent value for money to our patients. We gave a concrete example of this above. Those who choose us can also expect the best in terms of quality. Our oral surgeon implantologist has great knowledge and decades of experience. We are also internationally recognized for oral rehabilitation treatment based on one-phase implant implantation .

Next, let’s compare the price of mouth rehabilitation and lower jawbone treatment. Let’s take a look at the specific price differences between prices in Hungary and the United States. Is it worth coming to Hungary despite the travel, accommodation and food costs? We deliberately chose a distant country, because it makes it even more obvious that it is worth traveling to Hungary, despite the much higher travel costs than in Europe.

Four specific facts to prove the above statement .
1 ) Free consultation. At most dentists, the consultation is not free, but with us you don’t have to pay for it! However, it is the patient’s responsibility to appear at the consultation agreed with the patient. In the US it costs around $150-$250. This is already a significant cost saving, because it roughly covers 50% of the accommodation costs of the 5-6 day treatment.

2) Favorable flight ticket and accommodation prices . At the time of writing this article, air ticket prices are extremely favorable in the USA-EU relationship, and you can travel relatively cheaply. A fairly accurate oral rehabilitation price offer can be made during an online consultation based on an X-ray taken at home. The implant placement part of the treatment given as an exampletakes place on the first day, and the permanent temporary denture is also ready in 3-4 days. In Budapest, it is easy to find quality accommodation at an acceptable price, near the selected dental office. The average price of a four-star hotel or apartment is around USD 50 per night.

3) Quality dental care. Anyone who thinks that a favorable price for oral rehabilitation means a lower quality treatment is seriously mistaken! Most institutions in Hungary use modern dental equipment and technology, work with Swiss implants and the implant implantation method. Since Hungary is a member of the EU, the technical and standard expectations for dental treatments must also meet EU standards! Patients treated in Hungary receive practically the same standard of treatment as in Germany or the United States.

4) Excellent value for money . Despite the additional costs of travel and accommodation, in the case of the price of oral rehabilitation in Hungary , the costs of travel, accommodation and care also increase the price, but the price-value ratio of the treatment is still excellent. In addition to high-quality care, many thousands of dollars can be saved. (At the time of writing this article, a USD 300 HUF)

Oral rehabilitation price comparison in HU – USD terms, lower jaw bone implant implantation + permanent, temporary denture
The prices shown here refer to the time of writing the article.
The current dental implant price at all times can be viewed on this page !

Oral rehabilitation (lower jaw) Oral rehabilitation (lower jaw) iliDent USA
Consultation Fee Consultation Fee Free $250.00
8 – 10 implant placements 8 – 10 implant implantations $6,500.00 $22,000.00
Permanent temporary denture Long-term temporary denture $00.00 $8,000.00
Flight ticket price Air ticket price $700.00 Nah
Accommodation (5 Nights) Accommodation (5 Nights) $300.00 Nah
Other expenses Other expenses $500.00 Nah
All: Total: $8,000.00 $30,250.00

Everyone can decide whether the price of implant implantation in Hungary is low enough to cover the extra costs of travel and care and even have spending money left over.

Please do not rely solely on what we have described in terms of oral rehabilitation price , implant implantation price and pricing. You certainly know the prices and other expenses in your area much better, so do your own comparison with our local and current package prices free of hidden costs. There will probably be deviations from the table, but there won’t be much difference in terms of proportions. We are convinced that it is really worth coming to Hungary for oral rehabilitation treatment based on implant implantation .

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that in our Blog section you can read many articles on the topic of tooth replacement, tooth implantation and implant implantation.
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