Complete oral rehabilitation with one-phase implant

Complete oral rehabilitation with one-phase implant

What is the process of complete oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant?

Before talking about complete oral rehabilitation, let’s talk about the oral health status of the Hungarian population, naturally including the teeth. According to Eurobarometer data, 41 percent of residents of EU countries can say that they have all their natural teeth. The situation is somewhat better in the Scandinavian countries, where this ratio is more than 50 percent. And then come the Hungarians, of whom only 19 percent have all their natural teeth. In short, the state of the dental health of Hungarians is catastrophic. It’s frustrating.

That also means that four-fifths of Hungarians no longer have all 32 teeth. With our 19 seats, we are at the bottom of the list of EU countries! The worst value in front of us is Estonia, with 27 percent. It is not primarily worrying from an aesthetic point of view but mainly from the point of view of general health. The health of our teeth has a direct impact on our general health.

Our present article primarily addresses those in the worst condition, i.e., they no longer have teeth suitable for prosthetic care and need full dentures and complete oral rehabilitation. It is possible with traditional dentures and implant-based dentures. In this article, we will talk about the latter, including one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation.

What does Complete mouth restoration mean?
Our specialty is oral rehabilitation with the one-phase implant for the lower and upper jawbone. You need this treatment when your teeth are missing or unsuitable for dental care due to their poor condition. When we say fixed denture, it is glued to the implanted immediate loading implants, so the patient can not remove it. The procedure yields an incredible transformation, and it’s a long-term solution to keep your mouth in its healthiest state possible.

The benefits of full mouth restoration include improved oral health and functionality and getting rid of aesthetic flaws. In addition, complete oral rehabilitation helps resolve several dental issues. Since the implant resembles and acts just like your natural tooth root, it gives you back your original biting and chewing functionality and helps you keep your health on track with proper nutrition.

Among all the therapeutic procedures available for mouth restoration, the one-phase, immediate-loading implants are undoubtedly promising. In our opinion, it is a better solution than the two-phase conventional dental implants. Even though both therapeutic procedures serve the same purpose, there’s a significant difference between implantation techniques. In a one-phase implantation procedure, an implant is loadable right after implantation. It is just not possible with the two-phase implant. Thus, the technique has revolutionized the implant procedure and significantly minimized the time and cost involved, especially in the case of complete oral rehabilitation.

The good news is that” with immediate loading, implants can be a solution for almost everyone! As we have emphasized in our previous writings, these implants can also use for those with bone deficiency and inadequate bone density. The great advantage of a one-phase implant is that they fix the temporary denture to the implant. So, beyond the fact that one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia is complete in one day, the long-term temporary denture is also done in a few days.

What is the process of complete oral rehabilitation with one-phase implants under general anesthesia? 
Oral rehabilitation with immediate l0adaing implants occurs in two steps. In the first part, the implantation of immediate loading implants and the preparation of the long-term temporary denture take place, and in the second part, the preparation of the permanent denture(s).

First time
– Free, personal consultation with the implantologist performing the implantation.
– CT and panoramic x-rays.
– Detailed examination of the oral cavity, particularly concerning the condition of the bones and gums.
– Consultation with the anesthetist before general anesthesia.
– General anesthesia.
– Removal of teeth unsuitable for prosthetic treatment.
– Preparation of the required number of one-phase implants for implantation.
– Implantation of the required number of one-phase implants.
– Sampling for a long-term temporary denture(s).
– Preparation of long-term temporary denture(s).
– Fixation of the long-term temporary denture or dentures on the implants. The dentures are fixed and not removable by the patient.
– The necessary control tests.

It is necessary to wait approximately six months between the first and the second visit, but we recommend to have made the permanent denture(s) within a year.

Second occasion
– Free personal consultation with the implantologist who performed the implant placement.
– Panoramic X-ray recording.
– Thorough examination of the oral cavity, particularly regarding the condition of the implants.
– Sampling for the permanent denture.
– Preparation of permanent porcelain denture(s). The permanent denture is fixed and not removable by the patient, similar to the long-term temporary denture.
– The necessary control tests.

Why is it necessary to have a long-term temporary denture instead of making a permanent denture right away? The temporary dentures are made immediately after the tooth removal and implantation process. They are the option to help ease your mouth into wearing a denture. The creation process of a long-term temporary denture is the same as a permanent denture. Its sole purpose is to completely heal the gum, which usually takes 4-6 months, and improve your biting impression.

The key benefits of the temporary denture are not so hard to determine – It allows you to gain back your oral fluency; right after removing teeth and doing the implantation, you get back to enjoying the food you love to eat. The only expert advice you need to mug up here is, don’t put too much pressure or strain onto your temporary dentures. Once your permanent denture is ready, you’ll experience gentle wearing, and you’ll be able to lead a life with a better smile. (The price paid for the complete mouth restoration does not include the cost of the permanent denture!)

What exactly do we mean by long-term? We give a six-month warranty on temporary dentures, but that doesn’t mean the dentures can only use for six months. We have a patient who has been using their temporary dentures for two years without any complaints.

The one-phase implant is a life-changing procedure for many people that performs just like your natural teeth. It is promising because of its fast healing time and insignificant surgical intervention. The treatment is less expensive than conventional two-phase implants, saving you from 4-6 months of bone healing time.

This article talked about complete oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia with one-phase immediate loading implants. We explained the difference between one-phase and two-phase implants and further described the exact process of one-phase implant-based full mouth restoration.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know in the comment section below. If you have any questions, please 
get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2020

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know in the comment section below. If you have any questions, please
get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2020


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