Dentures with implants - Is it a good solution for me?

Dentures with implants – Is it a good solution for me?

Let’s find out whether or not dentures with implants are the solution for you.

The advent of dental implants has revolutionized dentures with dental implants. The so-called two-phase dental implants first appeared in the mid80s, and for a long time, this was the only implant replacement option for people who needed teeth replacement. Then, well over ten years ago, a new type of implant, called one-phase immediate loading implants, revolutionized teeth replacement. So, when we talk about dentures with implants, we need to know that two different implants and implantation methods are available today. Each has its characteristics, which is vital to know to make the right decision, whether which one is the most appropriate solution is right for us.

When we start talking about the differences, we immediately notice a significant distinction, the time it takes to make the dentures. While for a two-phase implant, this can be up to 6 months, for the one-phase implant, this is five working days! Because on day 5, you get a long-term temporary denture that, while temporary, looks and functions like the final denture. That’s a big enough difference. Especially when you consider that the result of both solutions is the same, a perfectly functioning denture, this speed is mainly because the one-phase implant can be loaded immediately! Nowadays, when people have less and less time for dentures with implants, this can be a decisive advantage in favor of immediate loading implants.

When dentures with implants are the topic, immediate loading implants have definite benefits that you cannot ignore. Some of these are:
– The implant consists of a single piece and is implanted in a single phase.
– Since it is implantable in the tooth bone and jawbone, it is usable in case of bone deficiency.
– Since it is immediately loadable, the long-term temporary denture can be attached to the implant. This set of teeth differs only from the future permanent denture in its material.

We note that one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation is always performed under general anesthesia!

Let’s also say a few words about the characteristics of two-phase implants. Here are some of them:
– It is only implantable in high-quality tooth bone.
– Implantation takes place in two phases.
– It consists of several pieces; the implantation is more complicated.
– It is only loadable after 5-6 months, so only removable and glueable temporary dentures can be made.

There are several conclusions to pay attention to. The first important finding may be that dentures with implants are an incomparably better solution than a traditional removable prosthesis. So, those who can afford it choose implant-based dentures since it has innumerable advantages over prostheses.

If someone has opted for dentures with implants, they still have to decide whether they want one-phase or two-phase implants. It is clear from the above that immediate-loading implants are more advantageous than traditional two-phase implants. There are several articles on implant dentures on our website, so you can probably find answers to your questions.

Our Articles section contains several writings on dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
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