Oral surgeries, how to prepare for oral surgery (Part 1)

Oral surgeries, how to prepare for oral surgery (Part 1)

Types of dental surgeries, what to do to prepare properly

Oral surgery is mainly required for protection. There are two main reasons why oral surgeries are needed: preventive dental treatment or dental implants. Surgical tooth removal is necessary when a conventional procedure cannot remove the tooth. On the other hand, dental implants and implantation are also dental surgery. In the following, we will discuss the various types of dental surgery in more detail and prepare for them consciously.

Oral surgeries in connection with preventive treatment
Some teeth may not or only partially break through the gums. Such a tooth can cause inflammation, or worse, a cyst. Therefore, it is advisable to pull these teeth out before causing inflammation in the surrounding tissue. Another typical case is when the tooth crown and tooth become bad by decay, and only the tooth root remains, which is not removable in the traditional way. That is often the case, and regular dental check-ups are essential.

The most common oral surgery is when a tooth is surgically removed, such as wisdom tooth removal. It is also often the case that one of the teeth cannot break the gum for some reason. That may be due to lack of space or because, for example, the wisdom tooth is abnormally located in the jaw bone. In both cases, the solution is oral surgery, that is, surgical intervention to eliminate the problem.

The problem of tooth decay is most common in the wisdom tooth. Although some teeth protrude, the other part is still covered by mucous membranes. If this condition persists for a long time, it may become inflamed over time, become painful, and require dental surgery.

Dental implant oral surgeries
Another growing area of oral surgery is implant-based dentures. The dental implant is an artificial tooth root made from a high purity titanium alloy that can perfectly replace the natural tooth root. There are two kinds of implants and implantation methods: one is the conventional two-phase implant, the other one is the immediate loading implant.

The implantation of the conventional two-phase implant is a more serious surgical procedure, as to insert implants requires an incision to be made the gums. The resulting wound should be sutured, and the injury itself would heal within 2-3 weeks. At the same time, It takes a lot longer for the implant to ossify, about 4-6 months. After this period, the gingival should reopen to make the implants accessible, and the other body parts and crown fastened.

There are three major drawbacks to the two-phase implants:

  • takes a long time, up to 6 months,
  • more severe dental surgery intervention and requires multiple surgeries,
  • not applicable in case of a certain level of bone deficiency.

The other teeth replacement solution is an immediate loading implant, a one-phase implant. Unlike the aforementioned two-phase implantation, the one-phase, as its name implies, is done in a single phase, with much simpler oral surgeries. The use of this method does not require a gingival incision. The surgeon knows precisely where to place the implants based on an X-ray.

There are three significant benefits to immediate loading implant

  • Simple, invasive surgical procedure, no need to open the gums,
  • Implants are loadable immediately so that the long-term temporary denture can be completed very quickly, in less than five days,
  • It is suitable for those who suffer from poor-quality bones or bone deficiency.

How to prepare for oral surgery?
You have to be well prepared for a successful surgery. Tooth extraction or any tooth-related surgery (root canal, resection, implant) is usually a simple, low-bleeding, invasive medical intervention. Nonetheless, it is advisable to prepare ourselves thoroughly. If we choose conscious preparation instead of anxiety, self-blame, or fear, we have a much greater chance of prompt and painless oral surgery intervention and recovery. Read more about the subject in Part 2.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
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Oral Surgery Types, Learn How to Prepare (Part 2)
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