Immediate loading implantation procedure under general anesthesia

Immediate loading implantation procedure under general anesthesia

What is the process for tooth replacement with immediate loading implantation?

Immediate loading implantation-based oral rehabilitation is a professionally organized method that uses Swiss implants and implantation technology. Thanks to this, in the optimal case, a full mouth rehabilitation is completable in as little as one week. Our oral rehabilitation package includes the following: teeth removal unsuitable for treatment, general anesthesia, one-phase immediate loading implant implantation, and long-term temporary denture fixed on the inserted implants.

We perform Immediate loading implantation-based oral rehabilitation in two steps. The first time the implantation occurs, the second time, make the permanent porcelain denture(s).

This solution is up-and-coming for patients, as the procedure is simple, fast, safe, and highly effective. The immediate loading implant-based mouth rehabilitation restores the original biting and chewing functions, provides a perfect aesthetic appearance, and means a massive improvement in the quality of life! The success rate of the one-phase immediate loading implant is close to 100%.

One of immediate loading implants’ most important positive features is that they are insertable in the tooth and jaw bones. That makes one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation possible for bone deficiency patients. We speak of oral rehabilitation when no teeth are suitable for prosthetic care in the oral cavity, and a complete set of teeth (denture(s) is required. We also do oral rehabilitation for aesthetic reasons!

Another huge advantage of an immediately loadable implant is that the long-term temporary denture is attachable to the inserted implants, so it does not rest on the gums, as in the case of two-phase implants.

The single-piece immediate loading implant is a small, screw-like artificial tooth root, which differs in shape and size from the traditional two-phase implant. A significant positive feature of the immediate loading implantation is that these implants are loadable immediately after insertion, so it is possible to fix the long-term temporary denture on the just-implanted implants.

Advantages of immediate loading implantation
(a) In most cases, it does not require bone replacement, even in case of significant bone deficiency.
(b) Implantation under general anesthesia takes 3-4 hours and the long-term temporary denture(s) 5-6 working days.
(c) It is a perfect alternative to removable dentures, providing maximum stability and chewing and biting power.
(d) The dentures are fixed to the implanted implants as if the patient had his teeth back!
(e) In the case of oral rehabilitation, the implantation occurs under general anesthesia, so it is 100% pain- and discomfort-free! General anesthesia and long-term temporary dentures are included in the indicated package price!

The reasons for the success of the immediate loading implantation
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY – The one-phase implant is the most modern and best solution for replacing missing teeth.
EXCELLENT QUALITY IMPLANT – IHDE Swiss implants are made of high-purity titanium alloy, and their reliability is nearly 100%!
EXPERIENCED IMPLANTOLOGIST WITH MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE – Our implants are internationally recognized implantologist oral surgeons with more than 20 years of experience, which countless domestic and foreign patients can confirm.
PROPERLY EQUIPPED DENTAL OFFICE AND DENTAL LABORATORY – Our clinic specializes in immediate loading implantation-based oral rehabilitation. We have the most modern dental equipment, including CT digital panoramic X-rays and sterilization machines, which are essential for quality work. We have our dental laboratory operating on-site.

What is the process of immediate loading implantation based on oral rehabilitation?
The intervention consists of two parts. In the first part occurs the implantation and the preparation of the long-term temporary denture and the preparation of the permanent denture in the second part.

First time
– Free consultation with the implantologist or oral surgeon performing the implant placement.
– CT and panoramic X-ray.
– Thorough oral cavity examination, particularly concerning the condition of the tooth, jaw, and gums.
– Consultation with the anesthesiologist.
– General anesthesia.
– Removal of teeth unsuitable for treatment.
– Implantation of the required number of immediate loading implants.
– Sampling for long-term temporary dentures.
– Preparation of long-term temporary dentures.
– Fixation of the long-term temporary denture on the implants. The dentures are fixed and not removable by the patient.
– Control tests.

Approximately six months should elapse between the first and the second time, but we recommend having the permanent denture within a year.

Second occasion
– Free personal consultation with the implantologist who performed the implant placement.
– Panoramic X-ray.
– Examination of the oral cavity, with particular regard to implants.
– Removal of the long-term temporary dentures.
– Sampling for the final denture.
– Preparation of the permanent porcelain denture. The permanent dentures are fixed, similar to the long-term temporary dentures. They are not removable by the patient.
– Control tests.

The topic of our article was immediate loading implantation-based oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia. We discussed the positive features of this implant and how the one-phase implant-based mouth rehabilitation takes place. Our package prices represent excellent value for money. If you have any questions about the topic of this article, please contact us.

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