One-phase vs. two-phase implant, the 5 most important differences

One-phase vs. two-phase implant, the 5 most important differences

What are the significant differences between a one-phase vs. a two-phase implant?

This writing is primarily for those who are toothless and has teeth but are no longer suitable for dental treatment and want dental implant-based dentures. There are currently two implant families to choose from. One is a one-phase implant, and the other is a two-phase implant. Both implant families are perfect for replacing the missing natural tooth root, but there are significant differences in usability. We are now talking about the five most important differences, manifested in the form of implants, but mainly in their usability. That is how we want to help the one-phase vs. two-phase Implant dilemma.

It is no secret that our dental clinic decided on a one-phase immediate loading implant ten years ago and is almost 100% with this type of implant, primarily mouth rehabilitation treatments. Nevertheless, we make comparisons completely impartial about one-phase vs. two-phase implant. We list essential features of the two implant families and leave the reader to decide. And now, we will discuss the five most important differences between two-phase and one-phase implants.

1. A one-phase implant is implanted in a single phase
This implant family is known by two names for one character: one-phase implant and immediate loading implant. The first name suggests that the implantation occurs in a single phase, with a single surgery. The implantation duration depends on the denture which is to implant. For example, in the case of mouth rehabilitation, implantation is two plus minus hours per jaw. After implantation, there is no further action with the implant itself.

However, the two-phase implant implantation occurs in two separate phases, two different treatments. During the first surgery, they implant the base, then close it with a so-called healing screw, thus completing the first phase. It should then be 4-6 months of healing and ossification. In most cases, the patient will receive a temporary denture for this period. In the second phase, they cut the gum above the implants to remove the healing screw. When this happens, they make gum shaping and the process of making the final denture begins.

2. A one-phase implant can be loaded immediately
Due to the implant’s design, shape, and implantation, the one-phase implant is loadable immediately. This fact is essential, among other things, because of the long-term temporary denture they are making after implantation fix on the implants. It is crucial, as the patient will receive a perfectly functioning aesthetic, durable temporary denture until the final/permanent denture in about half a year. The denture is fixed, not removable by the patient, and its price includes in the implantation package price.

As mentioned above, after the first implantation phase, the patient must get along with an uncomfortable and poorly functioning denture, as this type of implant is not loadable immediately. They have to wear the temporary denture for about half a year or until the permanent denture is complete. That is not the case with the two-phase implant.

3. A one-phase implant consists of a single piece
Another essential difference between a one-phase vs. a two-phase implant is that the prior consists of a single piece with no complementary elements. With no additional accessories, the one-phase implant is easier to handle, and it is significantly more superficial implantation, making the procedure shorter.

In contrast, the two-phase implant consists of several pieces. These are the implant base, the abutment, and the healing screw. When applying a healing screw, a so-called gum shaping screw is inserted into the implant, the essence of which is to have a perfect gum tour for the superstructure and the future denture.

4. A one-phase implant can be implanted at different angles

That means it is implantable perpendicular and at different angles, according to the current bone tissue state. This positive attribute is vital in case of bone deficiency because it allows access to bone tissue best suited for fixing the implant. The right amount and quality of bone tissue are essential due to the implant’s stability.

There is no such option for a two-phase implant. These implants can be implanted exclusively vertically or at a very close angle and only into the tooth bone.

5. A one-phase implant can also be implanted into the jaw
The one-phase immediate loading implant is implantable not only in the tooth bone but also in the jaw. That is important because it also makes implant-based dentures available to severely bone-deficient patients. It also means that bone replacement is most likely unnecessary.

The two-phase implant is only implantable in the tooth bone. A high quality and sufficient amount of tooth bones are required to keep the implanted Two-Phase implant stable for a long time. The most common cause of the problems with this implant was that the examination of the tooth bone was inadequate before implantation.

In the one-phase vs. two-phase implant dilemma, we listed the five most significant differences between the two implant families. The comparison is based solely on facts accessible to everyone on the internet. We hope to help those who want dental implant-based dentures but cannot choose a two-phase or one-phase implant.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know in the comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.

iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2020



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